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DVS and Stay at Home Order

By March 25, 2020 Uncategorized


We are following the AVMA, WVMA, CDC and local health departments guidelines on the COVID-19 virus. We are following all recommendations made by local, state and federal health officials. 

What you Need to Know NOW:

  • APPOINTMENTS: through April 24, 2020
    • Preventive exams: only for pets that need the month booster vaccines or Rabies. 
    • Examination: we continue to see all other issues including illness, trauma, etc.
  • SURGERY: If your pet is scheduled for a surgical or dental procedure please watch for your Estimate in your email. There will be a link in the email to fill out the surgical paperwork online and sign. This form will email directly back to us when you submit. If you do not have a computer, tablet or cell phone, let us know and we will print it off when we come out to get your pet. Please call if you have questions. 
  • VIRTUAL APPOINTMENT: using facebook messenger or DUO 
    • The cost of this type of appointment is $45.50
    • We can do medical progress/recheck appointments.
    • You will need to have video capabilities for these types of appointments.
    • You will need to be an existing client that has been examined by one of our Veterinarians in the last year.
  • You can EMAIL pictures and/or videos to and we will have a veterinarian review the case and help the best we can.
  • Two ways to Notify us When you Arrive: Please stay in your car, we are doing check-in/out at your car
    • When you arrive in the parking lot call us 608-935-2306
      • Please let us know if you or anyone else you are in contact with are showing any signs of illness or if any known exposure has happened
      • Explain where you are parked, what type and color is your vehicle
    • Download the PetDesk App and text us through the app (the text button is under the loyalty program button)
  • RECURRING ISSUES: If your pet has a history of certain types of problems and you have been here in the last year, we may be able to prescribe medication without coming in. Please ask.
  • PICKING UP: food or prescriptions 
    • We will fill prescriptions and get anything ready you might need and bring to your car
  • We can MAIL anything that you might normally pick up at the clinic, just let us know when you call.
    • As always you can get pet food from Hills to Home (we need to send you an email link, just let us know) for Science Diet or Hills Prescription food, VetDirect is Purina’s site for all of their foods, and Covetrus has Royal Canin foods (our online pharmacy partner).
  • We are still requiring staff that are ill to stay home.
  • We are continuously disinfecting commonly touched surfaces such as doors, seats, and handles for our staff.
  • Antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers have been distributed throughout the clinic for our staff.
  • We are NOT scheduling any house calls to protect our staff members.
  • We would also ask that if you are ill to stay home, see if anyone else can bring your pet or what other options might work.

We encourage you to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.

Steps to protect yourself:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol when water and soap are unavailable
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick and put more space between people, especially those who are at higher risk.

Steps to protect others:

  • Stay home if you are sick, except for medical care if needed
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Do not reuse tissues, throw them away.
  • Immediately wash your hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

The Dodgeville Veterinary Service will continue to be responsible in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and will keep you informed of any changes that might be made going forward.




Author dodgeville

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Angie Coenen says:

    Hello, My Name is Angie Coenen I am due to bring in two dogs for an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy on Tuesday morning at 8am. I could probably be okay only confirming one dogs but wondering if our appointment will still be allowed? Thank you for all your work!

    • dodgeville says:

      We are not cancelling appointments at this time. Your appointment is still 3/31/20 at 8:00am, if anything would change we would call you. Stay Safe, Dodgeville Veterinary Service

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