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Where tails wag, cats purr and owners smile

Fear Free


We’ve always worked hard to provide the best care for your pets. Now, we know that there are ways to make your pet’s healthcare even better. We’re proud that our team members are evolving with veterinary medicine and are committed to looking after both your pet’s physical and emotional well-being.

Five Ways You Can Help Make the Veterinary Visit Fear Free for Your Pet

  • Prep your pet. Positively accustom the pet to their carrier or restraint device and condition happy experiences in the vehicle.
  • Limit food before the appointment unless medically contraindicated. Bringing pets in hungry increases the reward value of food during the visit to better condition the pet to the positives of care.
  • Explore waiting room alternatives. Work with the receptionist or other team members to determine the optimal location to wait with your pet prior to care.
  • Be open to non-traditional techniques. This can include not taking the pet’s temperature, examining the pet in your lap or on the floor and using treat and toy coaxers to move animals willingly onto the scale, into the exam room and onto the table.
  • Consider proven, new strategies to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in your pet. In many cases, pets will benefit tremendously from pre-visit medications, supplements or sedatives, as well as conditioning the pet.